You are woken up by the sound of your alarm clock. What do you choose?
Do you jump out of bed within 15 seconds or do you give in to the temptation to press the SNOOZE button for a few more minutes? Your bed feels lovely and those few minutes seem harmless. Until you realise that you will be late for work if not, and you are forced to get up.
For most of us, mornings are pretty rushed and hectic. We run around getting ready for the day and our heads are plagued with thoughts of what we need to do, where we need to go, what we have forgotten or simply the fact that we are running late. Not an optimal way to start the day.
In fact, why is it not?
This has to do with the way you breathe in this state of being. You breathe high and fast from the chest and this activates your sympathetic nervous system. Often with an open mouth too. This part of your nervous system represents action and stress. Your heart rate goes up, glucose is released to your muscles and your pupils are enlarged. It slows down the functioning of the digestive and sexual organs.
You can think of it as an accelerator.
In contrast, slow, deep breaths from the stomach activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which causes relaxation and recovery in the body. It regulates activities such as digestion, nutrient absorption and slowing down the heart rate. It is your brake pedal.
A balance between the two is essential for the body’s well-being. This balance allows the body to respond appropriately to different situations, such as stressful moments and rest periods. A disruption of this balance can lead to health problems, such as chronic stress, digestive problems and sleep disorders.
It is not that only one of the two nervous systems is always on. Actually, one is always dominating, but both are active. During the day, you oscillate between a dominant sympathic and parasympathetic nervous system.
Until a few years ago, it was thought that this part of the nervous system can hardly be influenced by yourself because it functions naturally. Wim Hof has proved that it can.
What if I told you now that you can control the remote control yourself! That by the way you breathe you can improve your mental and physical health?
Breathing is the most important exercise for your health that you do every day to stay alive. You can stay alive for weeks without food, a few days without water, only a few minutes without oxygen. You breathe about 20000 times a day to take in enough oxygen.
Now that you know how important breathing is, you can choose to jump out of bed in 15 seconds and start with a moment for yourself. Take a moment of conscious breathing to start the day in tranquillity. It’s one of the best ways to reduce stress, improve your focus and concentration, increase your energy levels by increasing the flow of oxygen to your cells so you can stay focused on your goals, on your priorities and on what’s most important in your life every day.
One of the great things about the breathing is getting people out of their heads and into their bodies – Wim Hof
Here are 3 simple breathing techniques you can use every day to balance your nervous system:
Mindful breathing technique in the morning
Sit comfortably with a straight back. This may be in a cross-legged position or with your feet on the floor.
Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breathing.
Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, feeling the air fill your belly.
Count to four as you inhale. You can put one hand on your belly.
Hold your breath for a few seconds.
Exhale slowly and completely through your mouth, feeling the air flow out of your body.
Repeat for 2-3 minutes, staying focused on your breathing and trying to breathe deeper and slower each time.
Box Breathing breathing technique in the afternoon
4 seconds inhaling through nose
Hold breath for 4 seconds
4 seconds exhaling through mouth
Hold breath for 4 seconds
Repeat this cycle 4x
4-7-8 breathing technique before bedtime
Sit or lie down comfortably with a straight back.
Close your mouth and inhale calmly through your nose, counting to four.
Hold your breath for seven counts.
Then gently exhale through your mouth, counting to eight.
Repeat this cycle three to four times. You count in your head.
Could you use some advice on applying these breathing techniques?
During your well-deserved holiday at MiFlow Villas and Suites in Spain, you can experience these, and only other breathing techniques, for yourself. You will learn how the way you breathe can improve your mental and physical health. It is also possible to attend a Wim Hof Method workshop. With enthusiasm and dedication, we support you to take on new challenges that enrich your life in a positive way. MiFlow is more than just a holiday, it’s a life-changing experience where you invest in your health, happiness and growth. After a wonderful holiday, you go home with a suitcase full of gains.
Tired of pressing the SNOOZE button?
Book your stay at MiFlow Villas and Suites and discover how to start your day in tranquillity.
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It’s so recognisable
Before bed, you want to quickly work through those last emails or watch that one episode of your favourite Netflix series. Before you know it, it’s almost midnight and you realise you’re going to bed way too late.
In the modern society you live in, it is so tempting to continue your screen time late into the evening. You are constantly exposed to digital triggers that hold your attention, which does not make it easy for you to relax. But as you get carried away by these distractions, you sometimes forget the most important thing: your sleep.
Maybe you think a few hours of sleep here and there won’t make any difference. Well, then let me help you out of the dream. Research has shown that lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and even encourage obesity. Let’s take a deeper look at how too little sleep can cause you to get fat and what exactly is happening in your body.
The Relationship Between Sleep and Weight
Hormonal imbalance
Sleep deprivation disrupts the balance of important hormones that regulate hunger and fullness, such as ghrelin and leptin. Lack of sleep increases the production of ghrelin, the hormone that stimulates hunger. In contrast, it lowers levels of leptin, the hormone that signals fullness. This can lead to overeating and a greater urge to snack, especially on high-calorie foods.
Changes in metabolism
Too little sleep can also lead to changes in glucose and insulin metabolism, which can disrupt blood sugar levels and increase the risk of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, disturbed sleep can affect fat metabolism, causing the body to store more fat and burn fat less effectively.
Increased craving for unhealthy food
After a short night of sleep, people often crave more calorie-rich, fat-rich and sugar-rich foods. This is partly due to the disruption of hormones that regulate hunger and fullness, but also to changes in brain activity associated with sleep deprivation. This makes it harder to make healthy food choices and you are more likely to give in to temptations.
“Yes, I recognise this! Then I crave a bar of chocolate and a croissant with a thick layer of jam.”
The Impact of Chronic Sleep Deprivation
Chronic sleep deprivation can have several negative effects on both physical and mental well-being. There is a higher risk of weight gain, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and a weakened immune system. Mood swings increase and the risk of depression and anxiety disorders may rise. Besides, it can affect cognitive function. After just one night of sleep deprivation, you have a less productive day. You can think less clearly and your problem-solving ability worsens.
Naturally, you strive for the opposite. You want to start the day full of energy and focus, you want to feel happy and vital. Achieving your goals is important to you. To do that, it is essential to get enough sleep each night. That way, the trillions of cells in your body can repair and renew themselves. Your immune system is strengthened and memories are processed and stored. Balanced hormonal levels also help you in making healthy breakfast choices.
Sleep creates a clean-up in our brain –
Drs. Richard de Leth
3 tips to improve your sleep pattern
Maintain a regular sleep schedule with enough hours of sleep
A study based on data collected over decades showed that seven to nine hours of sleep is the most ideal for adults to feel most vital. Find out what works best for you. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every night, even on weekends, to keep your internal clock in balance.
Avoid screens before bedtime
Easier said than done, but try to put away your phone, tablet and laptop and turn off the television at least an hour before you go to sleep. If you do have to keep working, put on special glasses that filter blue light. Blue light actually depresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates our day-night rhythm. When your melatonin level is low, your body signals that it is daytime. This keeps you awake and alert. You need melatonin to fall asleep easily and experience better quality sleep.
Get up earlier
You really don’t have to get up an hour earlier right away, just start with ten minutes. Of course, any longer is also possible if you like. It is truly an act of self-care to start the day with time for yourself. Not for your children, not for your partner nor for your work. You start the day with a sense of tranquillity and that is priceless. It helps you handle stressful situations better for the rest of the day. By adding exercise to your morning routine, you will be more likely to feel tired at the end of the day. You will fall asleep more easily and more relaxed.
During your stay at Mi Flow in Spain, applying these three tips will be made easy for you. With us, vitality starts in the morning. We invite you to get up earlier and experience how great starting the day with time for yourself is. This lays the foundation for a relaxing day together with your partner or family. If you don’t know what to do in the evening without a screen, there are games and books at your disposal. And how about an evening walk on the beach or relaxing in the sauna with breathtaking sea views? You can count on falling asleep delightfully afterwards. Clocky will help you get up earlier. Good night!
In the hectic world of entrepreneurship, finding the right balance between work and health is often a challenge. Pursuing business success should not come at the expense of well-being. You increasingly see this for yourself, but how do you do it? Here are 5 tips to maintain balance as an entrepreneur.
Planning is the key
Start scheduling moments for relaxation: well-deserved holidays, sports activities, quality time with your partner, inspiring hobbies and that meeting with your friend that keeps getting postponed. Putting yourself first does not only boost your well-being, but it also results in increased effectiveness and success in your work performance.
Treat yourself with healthy food
Avoid energy dips during the day by choosing nutritious meals. Healthy nutrients help maintain balance between body and mind. Nutrition provides energy to your body, which is essential for optimal performance. Minimise consumption of sugars to keep your blood sugar stable, which keeps your energy levels consistent throughout the day. Which is exactly what you need. Striving for stable energy is key and eating healthy contributes to this.
Reflect regularly
Periodically evaluate your work-health balance. This is a valuable habit that offers deeper insights into your lifestyle. Adjust your strategies as needed and don’t be afraid to ask for advice if the balance is off. Balancing work and health is an ongoing process. By being aware of your own needs and applying these tips, you can not only achieve business success as an entrepreneur, but also live a healthy and fulfilled life.
Work breaks into your day
Give yourself space for short breaks during the day. You are not made to push hard all day. By taking a few minutes every hour for relaxation, you give yourself a chance to recharge regularly. However, avoid checking emails, messages and social media during these breaks, as this creates anxiety rather than calmness. Choose to move around; get up from your chair and enjoy a short walk in nature or visit a colleague for a chat. You could also do a five-minute Tabata workout to boost your energy. These intentional movement breaks contribute to your productivity, which results in better concentration and focus when you return to work.
Invest in self-development
Take time to develop yourself, both professionally or personally. Self-development is crucial for personal growth, self-awareness and increased self-confidence. By working on yourself, you contribute to creating a healthier world. You are a source of inspiration. This leads to greater fulfilment and balance in your life. Always surround yourself with people who are better than you and you will keep on learning. The fastest way to achieve what you want is to follow the example of successful people who have already achieved it.
Balancing work and health is a challenge in the times we live in today. A day has only 24 hours and your time is precious. Besides, it is also important to get enough hours of sleep to allow your body and mind to recover. This has always been a puzzle for me. The habit that has changed my life is starting the day with time for myself. I started with getting up ten minutes earlier to do a workout and now I have developed a morning routine that fits my life. Every morning, I take steps towards achieving my dream. Getting up earlier to get the most out of yourself creates Flow. The rest of the day follows this example.

Achieving success in any area of your life begins and ends with your health and energy – Hal Elrod
Could you use some advice on how to apply these tips?
During your well-earned holiday at MiFlow Villas and Suites in Spain, we would love to inspire and support you in finding your balance between work and health. Health is your greatest capital. It is your foundation. If you are healthy, you can achieve your goals more easily. At Mi Flow we aim to provide access to your own vitality, so that on Monday morning you crave a new week full of opportunities. Our desire for you is that you feel fit and brimming with energy. Health and vitality are central in everything we do. With us (MiFlow), vitality starts in the morning. Experience how great starting each morning with time for yourself is, through a morning routine that fits you. Discover the positive changes and you’ll never want to be without it again. For a healthier, happier and more successful life come to Mi Flow.